Monday, May 26, 2008

adventure in the arts of thread

Before this post- my significant other would like to point out that I have still not finished my stays. I currently have about 16 eyelets left to sew. I say that he would like to point this out, because every chance he got this weekend, he pointed out the observation that "you haven't finished your stays, why are you working on (insert various project here.)"

However after much promoting about my stays he managed to also get his pants altered for his leaner, rowing form. Not complaining here, I did a nice job and he looks really, really good. Which was another distraction for me.

I am quite proud of my new petticoat. It was the first time i made a period accurate petticoat, ever. Usually I cheat with drawstrings but I figured I would try Chole's Basic Petticoat Instructions.

In the first hour I finished the knife pleating she also built a great tutorial for.
I would like to point out, that this has been the most successful project I have done so far. Maybe my skills are increasing, or maybe she just writes good instructions- but I was never confused and I finished everything but the hem between 3 hours on Sat morning and an hour on Sat night doing the areas where I needed thread that matched. And I wrapped up my hem last night while watching some Indiana Jones special on the History Channel.

Also accomplished this weekend: Shana's Self Taught Embroidery 101 Crash Evening and why you should just dive into a stomacher!

Not accomplished: eyelets in stays.

To do before Wednesday afternoon while working 10 hour days until then-
Stays! buttons and button holes on wool jacket, assemble my pockets.

Can i do it? Will I get any sleep? Will I even attempt to finish my projects with the Andromeda Strain on tonight? Stay tuned.

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