However after much promoting about my stays he managed to also get his pants altered for his leaner, rowing form. Not complaining here, I did a nice job and he looks really, really good. Which was another distraction for me.

I am quite proud of my new petticoat. It was the first time i made a period accurate petticoat, ever. Usually I cheat with drawstrings but I figured I would try Chole's Basic Petticoat Instructions.
In the first hour I finished the knife pleating she also built a great tutorial for.
I would like to point out, that this has been the most successful project I have done so far. Maybe my skills are increasing, or maybe she just writes good instructions- but I was never confused and I finished everything but the hem between 3 hours on Sat morning and an hour on Sat night doing the areas where I needed thread that matched. And I wrapped up my hem last night while watching some Indiana Jones special on the History Channel.
Also accomplished this weekend: Shana's Self Taught Embroidery 101 Crash Evening and why you should just dive into a stomacher!
Not accomplished: eyelets in stays.
To do before Wednesday afternoon while working 10 hour days until then-
Stays! buttons and button holes on wool jacket, assemble my pockets.
Can i do it? Will I get any sleep? Will I even attempt to finish my projects with the Andromeda Strain on tonight? Stay tuned.